Friday 15 June 2012

Thoughts From a Balcony

   This was a long course, and these are my final thoughts. My favourite assignment all year was definitely the Bucket List Project. I feel this way because it was the project where I had the most freedom and I could make the project fun. For every other project, I tried to make them fun as possible and it just was not possible. During this project, I made it as enjoyable as I could. On the flip side, my least favourite assignments were by far the reading and writing reflections weekly. They were long, repetitive and kind of pointless to do every single week. I mean, I am somebody who doesn't really read  but the people who are bookworms probably have a completely different opinion, but it's my final thoughts so the bookworms don't matter right now. Every Friday we read for the whole class. I feel as though I wasn't the most productive person in the class when it came to Fridays. I only read one book this whole year. I think that we could have used Fridays for something more productive. Such as assignments and continuing with the lesson. You can always read at home, but you can't really teach us anything when we aren't in class. We should make the most of it when we are in class instead of using it for just reading. Monday written reflections were absolutely brutal. I mean really, who wants to reflect on all of your assignments and reading EVERY SINGLE WEEK. This is just my opinion. As mentioned, they were long and repetitive. Falling behind in reflections is the worst. The WRN was a good idea. I am not a fan of taking notes, but the WRN actually helped me with assignments. It is as helpful as you make it. Although, the blog was a lot funner than the WRN. I love the idea that you let us add personal additions of anything we wanted. The more freedom the better! You could have made the blog as fun as you wanted, after all it's YOUR blog. Twitter was really fun. I loved tweeting. I like that you made twitter challenges every now and then so it would keep out Twitter accounts active. I usually tweet on a regular basis, on my non-school friendly account. Tweeting on my school-friendly account was different, and I thought it was be boring at first but it ended up being just as fun. The integration of technology in the course was a good investment. I don't know about everybody else, but I would rather type than write any day of the week! In my opinion, everything is funner on the computer. As a reader, I learned that I will never enjoy reading because there is ALWAYS something funner I can do that read. As a writer, I learned new writing techniques and that quantity doesn't always matter if you have great quality. Quality over Quantity. As a thinker, I realized that I have to start being more serious about everything because being silly isn't always the best option all the time. As a creator, nothing. I don't have much to say about Ms. McLauchlan's teaching, except that you should mark and give out progress reports earlier so that us students know how were doing in the class. In my case, you marked things in bulk instead of one at a time slowly. I thought I was doing pretty well in the class, then you gave us a progress report showing how we did, and boy was I wrong. I didn't realize that I should start working harder because I didn't know I wasn't doing too well, and then it was a little too late. Advice for CW students of the future, don't fall behind in the boring reflections. Secondly, the class is only as boring as you make it, so make the most fun you can out of it!

Wednesday 13 June 2012


3.) Reverse a call the referee has made.

If you've every played a sport, you would think the referees are your worst enemies at some point. You might have even argued the call they made. Arguing sort of gets your point across, but if you getting the called changed would really show them who's boss.


2.) Hide under a bed at Sears, then throw a party when the mall closes.

Who doesn't love parties? I mean really, everybody loves parties. The thing with parties is it's always hard to find a place to have a party. You have to worry about parents, the size of the house, things getting broken, etc. The mall covers all of the worries and it would just overall be a great time.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

What have I learned ?

Doing this project, I learned how much fun you can have with life. I mean, you only live once so why don't you make the most of it. Live it no regrets. At the same time, I learned that I can't screw around my whole life and need to start taking things seriously. But until that time, let me enjoy my immaturity.

Now What?

I didn't forget that thought I kept in my head while making this bucket list. I promise that I will cross of ten things of this bucket list no matter what it takes at the absolute minimum. That is why some of the things on my bucket list are very realistic, such as get a tattoo and drinking blue gatorade from a windex bottle. These things are a little less crazy than the others. There is no special way of getting these two things done, It's just upto me to go and do them. There are a couple things in my bucket list that really jump out at me. The two things I really want to focus on are win an amount of money in six figures and crash a prom in the states. The key to crossing these two things on my bucket list is to just have the right mindset. I have recently watched the Buried Life episode when they won $250 000 and made it seem pretty simple. The Buried Life is my motivation for all of these bucket list items. I am going to undergo this mission by continuously saving up atleast $2000 every summer and betting at the casino everytime I make $2000. Eventually, I plan on making this amount of money and build up o an amount in six figures. Secondy, I want attend a prom in the United States. My plan for completing this task is to simply find a few friends as crazy as I am and just doing it the Buried Life style. I mean hey, didn't the Buried Life start off as a bunch of crazy teenagers? They make sneaking into big events really easy. When (not if) I cross these things off my list, I will continue and strive to get the minimum of ten crossed off items on my bucket list, and won't give up.

Ever since I made this list, I have so far completed crossing off one item. Which was #12 hitting a game winning shot. It was during the graduating all-star game. It went into quadruple overtime and it was getting late so the officials decided to make a rule; next basket wins. With about 2 minutes left I dribbled the ball to the elbow of the key, pass faked to somebody and threw up some garbage jumpshot and it suprisinly went in! It may not be a big deal to you, but it is something on my bucket list! I think this is a great start to my quest in finishing atleast ten things. 1 down, 52 to go.

Animoto Video - Vince's Bucket List.


53.) To continue The Buried Life when the four men are done.

Alright, ever since The Buried Life has been introduced to me they have been my idols. They're mindsets, goals, look on life, and interests are all similar to mine! There's nothing I want more than to be a part or continue the Buried Life when the four men are done.


52.) Date Selena Gomez.

What can I say? The girl is gorgeous. She is also a part of the Disney Channel! I loved Disney when I was a kid and always will. Now that she's broken up with Justin Bieber, it's my time to shine.


51.) Play Russell Westbrook 1 on 1.

Russell Westbrook is the point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder, the same position I play. Not many people are a fan of him because he doesn't really pass the ball or play his role. Although, I am a huge fan of his playing style. If I could play him one on one I could experience his playing style in real life!


50.) Invest in gold.

Gold can make you a lot of easy money. Who doesn't want easy money? 


49.) Sleep at the Playboy Mansion.

I saw the Buried Life sneak into the Playboy Mansion, the place looks ridiculous. I want to feel how they felt when they snuck into the mansion. 



43.) Get into a club with a fake ID.

Before I say anything, NO I have not been to the club with a fake ID... yet. Everybody says clubs are fun and all that, to get in a club with a fake ID would make my night so much more fun. The whole night I would have so much adrenaline.


34.) To say, " Hi, I'm Vince and you're watching Disney" on the Disney Channel.

As mentioned, I love disney. When you're a kid, anybody who was on the Disney Channel other than evil villains was a childhood superhero. Maybe I could be remember as a childhood superhero to a kid someday.


30.) Moonwalk at the Grammy's.

Again, I want to be on national television and be remembered for something. I want to be the guy that when people see me they would say, " That's the guy who moonwalked at the Grammy Awards! That guy's awesome!"

Tuesday 5 June 2012


20.) Start a herculean (large) snowball fight.

I kind of like seeing people suffer as cruel as that sounds. Not any severe sufferings, but small ones. Such as being frozen cold by getting nailed with a snowball! I think a huge snowball fight would be really fun. I also really like dodgeball, but this game would be so much more serious.


19.) Ride a killer whale and not die.

I love animals, and I love swimming. You can always ride animals on land, but when can you ever ride an animal on and in the water? I think this would be really fun!


17.) Win the Fear Factor.

Same as Glee. I like being on national television, but not a small part of a small show. I want to really be noticed. Winning the Fear Factor would get all eyes on me.


16.) Sing on Glee!

I always wanted to be on national television. Not to be some guy walking around in the background of a scene, I want to be somebody who gets the spotlight. Singing on Glee would definitely get me the spotlight.


15.) Get a tattoo.

I've always wanted a tattoo since I was about 14. Now that I am old enough to get one, I really don't want to be in that much pain for several hours. My goal is to man up and actually get this task completed.


13.) Dunk.

I'm pretty short for a basketball player. To dunk in a basketball game would somewhat prove that height doesn't matter.


12.) Hit a game winning shot.

I've actually finished this one ever since I made this bucket list. I am a huge fan of basketball and it really impacts my life. To hit a game winning shot would be really sweet and the feeling you get after winning your team the game is unreal!


11.) Play a perfect game of bowling.

This basketball season we went to Regina, and Coach Tackie treated us to a game of bowling. My team lost but I had a lot of fun. Although, the winners seemed like they were having more fun. I really wanted to experience that.


10.) Drink blue gatorade from a windex bottle in front of people.

I am sort of a jokester and like to pull pranks. This thought crossed my mind when I was a little kid. You know, when you pretend candy sticks are cigarettes and that tic-tacs were drugs.. Yeah, drinking blue gatorade from a  windex bottle falls under that category and I think it would be really fun.


9.) Take a picture with One Direction.

Ever since about a couple months ago, One Direction has been my favourite band and I listen to them daily. Who wouldn't want a picture with your favourite band?


8.) Sneak a criminal out of jail without being caught.

Everybody screws up once or twice. I'll find somebody in prison who seems like a nice person and seems to deserve another try at the real world. Everybody deserves a second chance.


7.) To get " verified " on Twitter.

I tweet constantly, and I tweet so that people can see my tweets and even enjoy them. If I was verified I would have more followers and lets get real, the checkmark you get beside your name is awesome.


6.) Sneak onto a random plane with my friends.

I like to do crazy things. What can I say? On top of that, being with your friends takes away some fear and adds a whole lot of fun.


5.) Throw an overnight party at the school.

Same thing about the party at the mall. It would be a great time and it could also be a party to reminisce all your moments you had in high school!


1.) Become a mascot in Disney World.

I would like to be a mascot in Disney World, even for at least one day. When I was young and when to Disney World at the age of one, I would always run to a mascot with a huge grin on my face a long with many other kids. I just want to experience what it would be like to be on the other side of that situation.

Author's Note

     I go by the name of Vincent Munoz, but most people call me Vince for short. I am a seventeen year old high school student who stands at a astonishing five feet and nine inches. Basketball is really plays a big role in my life, my family is the peanut butter to my jelly, I like to say I am a little out of the ordinary (Let's get real, we all are in a way) and I have no idea what my future has is store for me. I like to stick out, and sprint through the finish the line. I thought to myself, maybe making a bucket list can help me be a little different from anybody else." not just any bucket list with things that are very realistic and rather easily achievable. One that has the ability to blow ones mind after crossing one thing off. The Buried Life is my inspiration, motivation, and they are my idols. So I decided to make this bucket list! This bucket list couldn't consist of all very unrealistic goals that would be nearly impossible to complete, so I made sure I threw in some easier things I can achieve to keep my confidence up and strive for the nearly impossible ones, key word: nearly. As I was in the process of "bucket-ing" my list, I made a promise that I would do at least ten of these things at the least before I die. If I didn't make this promise, what was the point in writing down everything I wanted to do and not even try do cross some things off? If you want something, you got to go and get it yourself. This world isn't a charity.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Bucket List

1.) Become a mascot in Disney World.
2.) Hide under a bed at sears while the mall closes then throw a party in the mall.
3.) Reverse a call the referee has made during a game.
4.) Remove Garrick Hutsal from the world.
5.) Throw an overnight party at school.
6.) Sneak onto a random plane with friends.
7.) Get " verified " on twitter.
8.) Help sneak somebody out of prison without getting caught.
9.) Take a photo with One Direction
10.) Drink blue gatorade out of a windex bottle in front of people.
11.) Play a perfect game of bowling.
12.) Hit a game winner.
13.) Dunk.
14.) Have my own Wikipedia page.
15.) Get a tattoo.
16.) Sing on Glee.
17.) Win the fear factor
18.) Wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy.
19.) Ride a killer whale.
20.) Start a Herculean snowball fight.
21.) Make that One Direction video with my friends.
22.) Plan and Successfully undergo a stupendous waterfight in the school.
23.) Win an amount of money in six figures
24.) Accept a dare
25.) Get a pound from a police officer
26.) Attend a crazy party in the States with my friends
27.) Have a food fight.
28.) Sneak onto a cruise with my homies
29.) Score 40 points in a game
30.) Moonwalk at the Grammy's.
31.) Crash a prom night in the states
32.) Buy something over 100 dollars with counterfeit money successfully
33.) Detach my earlobes
34.) To say " Hi, I'm Vince and you're watching the Disney Channel " on the Disney Channel.
35.) To say " I'm Vince Munoz and this is my Sportcentre " on Sportscentre.
36.) Shave Anthony Davis' eyebrow.
37.) Ride in the pouch of a Kangaroo
38.) Race Usain Bolt.
39.) Walk a tightrope in a circus.
40.) To dive into the ocean and have a whale catch me before I hit the water.
41.) To convince somebody I'm an undercover cop and arrest somebody.
42.) Continue The Buried Life when the four men die.
43.) Get into a club with a fake ID.
44.) Go to a nude beach.
45.) Tranquilize a grizzly bear.
46.) Literally run for my life and get away.
47.) Get an 8-pack of abs.
48.) Go to Hollywood studios with my friends!
49.) Sleep at the Playboy Mansion
50.) Invest in gold.
51.) Play Russell Westbrook 1 on 1.


Wednesday 9 May 2012

NBA Rant.

   I think it's necessary to share to everybody that I hate the Grizzlies. On top of the Grizzlies having a horrible franchise, their fans are horrible. In Game 5 of the NBA Western Playoffs, one of the players on the Clippers was hurt, Blake Griffin. Blake Griffin hurt his knee while being fouled by the Centre of the Grizzles, Marc Gasol. As Blake was limping back to his bench, the Grizzly fans all decide to shout "boo!" at him. I mean have some class. You guys are not going to win the series, at least go down with some class. How would you feel if one of your best players were injured at an away game and was put down by the crowd? I thought so. We'll see who's quiet when the Clippers send your asses home and end your season. Anyways, I thought I would share this rant. 
P.S These refs suck and deserve a middle finger from every Clipper player after they win the series.
P.S I'm not on the bandwagon. 
Later days!

Reading Reflection #8

Book: The City of Ember
Author: Jeanne DuPrau
Pages Read: 221 - 270

     I did it! I finished reading the City of Ember! This is the first time I actually read a book, it's a pretty good feeling. It may not be a big deal to anybody else, but to me it is. This is somewhat similar to the feeling Lina and Doon had in them when they escaped the City of Ember and made their way to Sparks, a completely different city. No way, their feeling must have been a hundred times better than how good I feel about finishing a book. Words cannot describe the feeling they had. I wish I had more of those moments, where I feel absolutely great and nothing is going wrong. I can just imagine being trapped in an underground city for your whole life, and finally being able to witness the real world and how much different and greater it is. One memory I have when I had such a positive feeling was our Sturgeon Heights basketball team winning the WWAC conference. It was amazing. Doon and Lina had a pretty difficult life underground, doing labor work and keeping the city running. This is similar to our team practices. They were tough, and we had to go through a lot before being rewarded just like Lina and Doon. Then they finally get a sigh of relief once they escape their town and enter a much better place, and all their work paid off in the end. Our basketball team was the same way. When won our conference, we felt overwhelmed when that buzzer went. This is how I can relate to Doon and Lina's success. This book has a sequel. There is book called, " The People of Sparks" that follows up this book. I predict that it is going to be better than the first. I mean, think about the settings. An underground, nearly dead city compared to a bright city which is full of life. I do think that Sparks is going to have a downside to it, and they will again need to start solving. I also have a feeling that Lina and Doon are going to meet two people very Similar to themselves. I guess you can call them the "Lina and Doon of Sparks." I am looking forward to reading the sequel to this book. I guess I'm getting closer to my goal of enjoying to read! Until then, later days!

Blackout Poem #3 (my favourite)

Third Blackout Poem

The lady smiles
I do something cute
I am making it rain at the strip club
It's time for sex
Relationships are for suckers.
-Vince Munoz

Blackout Poem #2

Blackout Poem Part Deux

Kids drop out
Drugs change their lives
Hope is the focus
Crime was always bad headlines.
-Vince Munoz

Blackout Poem #1

First Blackout Poem

Teenager Zimmerman is sorry for murder
His family is sorry for the alcohol or illegal drugs
Zimmerman surrendered their safety
He is a violent person.
-Vince Munoz

Wisdom of the Week!

Hey everybody, it's your boy Vince Munoz here to provide you some more wisdom for this week! This week's wisdom is:
Look both ways before you cross the street!
Crossing streets can be very dangerous. You never want to get hurt or lose your life by getting hit by a fast, evil, devilish car. Looking both ways can easily prevent this from happening. Stay tuned until next week, later days!

Blackout Poetry

Sunday 6 May 2012

Writing Reflection #8

   Some of you may of head about Blackout Poetry, but chances are most of you haven't. Alright, it's basically taking a new paper article, and blacking out many words so that only a few words are left, which make a poem. If you think this was easy, think again. It was such a tough process. I mean, at first I thought to myself, "This is going to be a piece of cake, all my poems are going to rhyme and everything." I have never been more wrong in my life. It's difficult. It's hard to transform an article into a poem. Our assignment was to make three blackout poems that all fall under one theme. I probably started ten blackout poems, but did not finish most of them because I couldn't get them to fall under my theme! Finally I finished, I completed three (not very good) poems. All of my poems fell under the theme, teenagers. This is a very unique writing style. It makes you think out of the box. It's making something out of somebody else's work. The thoughts are no where near each other, and it's a tough challenge. In previous assignments we did, we could just think up something in our heads and put it on a piece of paper. During this one, no way. You were very limited. Although in the end, when you've finally created a poem, you feel really proud of yourself and realize that what you came up with wasn't so bad after all. Also, that for such a difficult task, you're poem actually makes sense and has nothing to do with the article. I realized as a thinker, I am capable of doing things if I am not distracted. I do all my best work when I am focused. I also realized, I need to focus a lot more so I can be more successful in this class. For all of you who said " Blackout Poetry is easy, this Vince guy is nuts," in your head, I dare you to try. While your busy getting frustrated with this challenge, I'm going to be... not being frustrated with it. Later days!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Writing Relection #7

Comment 1:
Comment 2 :
Comment 3 :

     This weeks commenting process went really well. Last week, my three comments were comments on friends in my class that I socialize with everyday in class. This week I switched gears a little. I decided to comment on people I don't think I've ever talked to (except Hugh). I think it was a really good idea to this because it's pretty neat starting a "blogger-friendship" with somebody you haven't met before. Also, it seems like good publicity for your blog. It's pretty common to see your friends comment on your post, but when you see somebody you've never talked to before comment on a post, its a different feeling. I want to be the person who creates that feeling. Well, before I get carried away, later days!

Reading Reflection #7

Book Title: City of Ember
Author: Jeanne DuPrau
Pages Read: 146-220

    I've read ready a huge amount this week, well at least in my opinion I did. 75 whole pages, I've never read that much, that quick in my life. Who ever thought I would be able to read so much? I certainly didn't. Enough about hyping myself up. A lot has happened in this book. I used to think I was a lot like Lina Mayfleet, but I realized that there is another character that I may have similar personality traits with. His name is Doon Harrow. Doon is also a main character, he is really creative, has a good sense of humour, but know when to start taking things seriously. I feel as if he is trying to save the City of Ember more than anybody else. It almost seems like he wants to be recognized for the things he does, which is very similar to me. Doon is creative, and smart. I am slightly different, I mean I can be creative at times but I don't have very many intelligent moments (No I am not stupid). I am getting better at reading at home. I realized that I have a lot of time on my hands, and I can use that time to read. Reading isn't as boring as I thought it was before. My goal is to finish this book next week. I have 50 pages left, which seems really accomplishable. My guess is that Lina and Doon find a way out of Ember and up into the surface. I think they are going to find a new city, called Sparks. It will be the complete opposite of ember. It will be bright and full of life. If I am right with my guess, I must be some sort of wizard or something. I guess we'll find out next week, but until then... Later days!


Monday 30 April 2012

Vince's Wisdom of the Week.

Hey guys, its' a brand new week, and you know what that means? I have some more wisdom to share with all of you;
If you spot a spider in your house, and lose sight of it. Screw it, burn the whole house down.
That will show that pest who's boss. Tune in next week for some more wisdom, or I may do them more often. As for now, click that follow button and get out of here.

Follow    ----->

Wednesday 25 April 2012

"Jam Out" Playlist.

You guys may not know what I mean by " Jam Out. " It means I can just let loose and sing along to the song without anybody caring what I look and sound like, something I can jam out too. I usually have a good time listening to these songs. The playlist is;

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
One Thing - One Direction
Glad You Came - The Wanted
Summer Paradise - Simple Plan

These songs usually get me in a good mood. The thing is, I'm usually into the hip-hip and rap genre. These are the songs that are out of that genre that I can go crazy too. Be on the lookout for more playlists, and don't forget to check in weekly for my Wisdom of the Week! Later Days!

Writing Reflection #6

Comment One:
Comment Two:
Comment Three:

   My first comment was posted on Patrick's blog. I decided to comment on his post because it really caught my attention. His post was a picture of Kevin Durant with the words, " Sometimes to become successful, you need to give up sleep." This really gets me thinking and inspired. Durant is a very hard worker and it all paid off. Everything comes at a price. Also, I often need inspiration to get me going in basketball training or working out just like Patrick does. By commenting, I give Pat credit for showing us something that can give each of us a little bit of motivation.
   My second comment was a on Bella's blog. Her post was a picture of forearm with a temporary tattoo on it. It had a bell, followed by the letter "A," to represent her name. I commented on this post saying it was clever and creative. If I came up with something clever or creative I think it would be nice to be given credit, so I gave Bella credit. Also the idea of temporary tattoos let us expirement before getting an actual one. I have always wanted a tattoo, but have never had the courage to get it done.
   Finally, my last comment was on Nathalie's blog. I commented on her personal addition of one of her playlists. One of the songs on her playlist was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I love this song. The reason I commented was because the idea of posting one of your playlists is great! I think it is a great idea, and will be shortly doing mine. Also, I wanted to mention that I was also a fan of one of her songs. What do you think this song is trying to say? Are they trying to get rid of somebody insecurities, or that everybody is beautiful and nobody is ugly? Maybe it's a neat way of trying to wheel a girl. If it was, Im pretty sure it worked. Either way, it's a splendid song.

    A good comment consists of good structure. It can't be a couple meaningless words. Take the time and give the blog owner a few sentences of good quality. A bad comment would be something useless, boring and short. Also, it usually consists of slang, bad grammar or rudeness. A bad comment is something that would put down the blog owner.

   Receiving and/or giving comments on blogs can really keep the blogger motivated and active. If you consistently receive comments, the blogger will realize that their work is being appreciated and will most likely keep their blog updated. Also, when you give out a good comment, you can expect a good one back. It is also good advertisement for your blog. Whoever visits that comment on that specific blog, will see your blog name and maybe visit you. It's a good way of getting your blog out there! Well, that's all for now! Later Days!

My Knicks!

  Alright, as you may already know, I am a big fan of basketball. I play the sport at least four or five times a week. Basketball is a huge part of my life. I really enjoy watching it too. A couple months ago, I made a bet with a fellow friend. His name was Patrick Mart. I bet that the New York Knicks would make the playoffs. The NBA playoffs start saturday, and my Knicks clinched the seventh seed in the east! I won five bucks from Patrick, but more importantly I can cheer on my favourite basketball team and player, Carmelo Anthony.

    Alright, for other basketball fans, you guys are probably thinking, " Oh, Vince is on their bandwagon." Well Carmelo Anthony has been my favourite basketball player since college when he played for Syracuse. He was always my favourite player, so when he moved to the Knicks, of course I adapted and starting cheering them on. So f"ck off haters! Later Days.

Monday 23 April 2012

Reading Reflection #6

Book: City of EmberAuthor: Jeanne DuPrau
Pages Read: 120-145

   Six weeks have gone by and this book has yet to totally capture my attention. I think the author needs to do a slight better job on building tension and suspense. The author also does not set the scence very often, so it makes it a little more difficult to picture what is going on. As I was reading, I realized that one of the main characters in the book has a somewhat similar personality as I do. This character's name is Lina Mayfleet. Lina seems to be a very curious and adventurous person. She also really cares her little sister, Poppy. It may not seem like it, but I really do care for my sister as well. On the flipside, she also has some traits that are not alike mine at all. She is constantly polite. Unfortunately, I struggle to do be polite at all times. Finally, Lina is always willing to give a helping hand. It's not I am against helping others, I just dont really like to go out of my way to help others.
   At this point, I am really starting to doubt the thought of my enjoying to read. Although there has been progress. I am going to try and start reading at home because I just passed the halfway mark in my book and its been six freaking weeks. Meanwhile, some people have already finished their first book. I am really going to try improving my reading practise. Hopefully this will give me a little more interest in reading. Until then, later days!

Sunday 22 April 2012

Vince's Wisdom of the Week

Alright guys, for those of you who had not yet noticed, I've decided to rename my personal additions to "Wisdom of the Week" instead of "Advice of the Week." It's not a big difference so hold the tears. This just give me a little bit more freedom and breathing room. Well back to business, this weeks wisdom is;

Wearing high socks with slip on sandals are the most comfortable footwear in the world.

For some reason, only basketball players will wear high socks with sandals. Is it that us basketball players have the most knowledge in the world? Because everybody should be taking advantage of this comfort. Well, I guess that's what I'm here for. To share knowledge with you. Until next time, Later days!

Writing Reflection Five.

    I finally finished colour coding my "Moment" this week. I thought it went pretty well. I think there wasn't enough "show, don't tell" in it though. That is something that I can fix before handing it in. I learned that as a writer, I try and make people laugh. Which probably should change a little. I should take my writing assignments a tad bit more serious.
    I think the idea of writing a fan fiction would be really fun! Fiction is always fun, you get to be really creative and use your imagination. I think most of the people in our class would really enjoy this. I also think that exploring Twitter from an educational stand point would be interesting. I think there would be a lot of regrets by doing this though. I think most people would read their tweets and wish it wasn't part of their digital footprint in the long run. Both ideas seem great! That was Writing Reflection #5, later days!

Reading Reflection Five

Book Title : City of Ember
Author : Jeanne DuPrau
Pages Read: 86 - 119

     My interest level in this book has slightly gone up. Even though I've already this book in the past, I still seem to get interested in this book. I think that something really interesting is going to be revealed soon. My prediction is that Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow find out what is hidden in the "secret box" that was built to not open for 200 years. I continuously wonder what is in this box. I did think it was instructions on how to leave the city, but I'm starting to second guess that. For some reason, I think that the box is going to be empty, or have nothing useful in it. My reading practice is still not going as well as I planned. I do not read at home, but I feel as if I should give this a shot. I could have been finished this book by now. My goal is to finish this book within the next two weeks. I want to finish this book as soon as possible so that I can move onto another book that is better fitting for me. I guess this book didn't do what I thought it would do, to make reading apart of my life. I think Jeanne DuPrau needs to do a slightly better job capturing the readers attention. She doesn't set the scene very often, and she doesn't have much tension and suspense. This is making it a little more difficult to picture some things in your head, and I love pictures. I'm going to get onto reading so I can be done with this book. Later Days!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Vince's Advice of the week. (Personal Addition)

Hey everybody, so I know I haven't been keeping up with personal additions lately. I've decided to give a peice of advice every week. This week's advice is:

If you don't know where to have your first date, take your partner to see the Human Centipede.

( I never said it would be good advice.)

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Reading Reflection #4

Book : City of Ember
Author : Jeanne Duprau
Pages Read : 67 - 85

     This book is still not capturing my attention. I'm not at the point where I would go out of my way to read. Although I wish I was. I am still only reading once a week, and that is during the last day of the school week. I am starting to wonder if this was the right book for me. Also, what even got me to read this book in the first place? Oh right, the cover was a catchy. I think its because I already know how the book ends, so I have nothing to look forward to. I should have picked another book, or even the sequel. Since I have nothing to look forward to, I guess that means I just have to enjoy what I'm reading, as I'm actually reading it. Althought there are some parts I do not remember at all. For example, in this book there is a secret box that was built to be open up after 200 years. I have an idea of what is in it, but I don't remember exactly what is in it. What is in this box? How could it be so important? My prediction is it is a peice of paper that tells the citizens of Ember how to escape and get out in the real world. Hey, this can be something to look forward to! Maybe within the next couple of reading days I might actually start to enjoy reading! This could be it. I wonder how far I have to read until I find out. I have hope that within the next few weeks my journey to enjoy reading will finally be finished. Until then, later days!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Writing Reflection #4

    We started to write about a moment that stood out in our lives. This assignment really made me miss my childhood. I decided to write  about something that happened to me a long time ago, in my early ages. I started my moment write-up not so well. I picked what I moment I wanted to write about, and just wrote. No matter how bad it may be, I kept in mind that the more I have written down the more I have to work with later on. I realized that it seems pretty boring, and it would not really catch anybody's attention. I need to work on keeping it a bit more interesting. There is no doubt in my mind that my final copy of this moment will be a good piece of writing.

      Let's switch gears and talking about my blog. I am starting to fall behind, but I guess by finishing this reflection it is one step closer to being caught up. I really want to learn how to put a map on my blog. You  know, those maps that mark where your blog-visitors are in the world. I mean, my visitors are probably all local, but I guess the odd one or two might possibly be elsewhere. It would be neat to be able to say something like, " Hey somebody from New Zealand visited my blog! " I'll learn how to add this feature soon, but until then... Later days!

Reading Reflection #3

Book: City of Ember
Author : Jeanne Duprau
Pages Read : 40 - 66

     My teacher, Ms. McLaughlin decided switch it up a bit and gave us the option to make an iPhone for a character in our book. I couldn't think of ten apps to create for my character, so I am stuck doing another regular post. This makes me regret picking this book. Well it has been three reading days now, and my interest level for reading is still low. I wonder if I will ever actually reading, is this really a realistic achievement ? I guess time will tell, because either way I have to read anyways. We'll see how my mind reacts to it. I had to get 66 pages in before I finally realized, their lives are a lot different than ours. In Ember, twelve year old kids get a role in keeping the city running. I can't imagine that being relevant to our lives now. Also, living in an underground city with no sun or anything would be really different. If I was born in this city, everything would be different. I guess that makes sense, since they need all the help they can keeping this city from running out of power. On the bright side(see what I did there), words cannot describe the feeling I would have after escaping this city and seeing what the real world is like. It would make the rest of life so much more enjoyable. Hey, this reflecting isn't as bad as I thought. Maybe this is one step I need in my quest to enjoy reading. If I enjoyed reading, everything would be so much easier, and more importantly, more fun! Not to burst my own bubble or anything, but this week wasn't the one. Reading is still not my slice of pie. Hopefully next week will be. But until then, later days!

Writing Reflection #2

     This week, we worked on six word memoirs. This is a neat way of writing. In a way, I kind of wish there were more six word memoirs out there. I know there are tons on the internet, but in books and such. The thing I like about six word memoirs, is they are short, and get to point right away instead of telling us useless information. Writing the six word memoirs wasn't to difficult, I am not the type that likes to write chunks anyways. It was pretty enjoyable to me. It even included pictures to help explain and enlighten the  memoir. The hardest part was thinking of the actually memory, as soon as you got that the rest was a walk in the park. I learned that as a thinker, I get distracted very easily. That being said, another hard part was staying focused. If I don't have any distractions, it is a lot easier for me to concentrate and finish my work. 

     Blogging seems really different. The hard part about blogging is actually keeping it together and updated. Once you start falling behind, the more you don't want to do your assignments, and the worst everything gets. My goal for the next week is to add 3 personal additions to my blog. I am going to achieve this goal by listening to a lot of music, that will remind me of things that could be on my blog. At least one of my personal additions is going to be a playlist of songs. I guess will see if I can stay discipline and reach those goals this week. Until then, later days!

Reading Reflection #2

Book : The City Of Ember
Author : Jeanne Duprau
Pages Read : 19 - 40

     Two reading days has gone by, and I still am not a fan of reading. I still do not know what it is, but I just cannot get myself to enjoy reading. I guess it still is early and too soon. I hope I sooner than later I gain more interest in reading. The first time I read this book, I was in grade 6. I didn't understand it the way I am starting too now. I can start picturing more things as I am reading this book. I guess in the past, I read through the book quickly just to say I was finished and not really to enjoy what the author has written for us and how great the story line may be. The first time I read this book, I didn't really know what was going on. I also do not remember much of what happened in the book, it's like I've never read it. As I mentioned, I can start picturing things that the author writes more clearly. From what I can picture, the City of Ember itself does not seem like a place I would want to stay at. I mean, if it was a real place, I would want to compare how my mind sees it and how it actually is. I think they would be pretty similar. I hope my comprehension of reading develops in the later weeks. The author is doing her job, now its just for me to start enjoying reading. If other people can, So can I. I believe in myself. Well City Of Ember, Let's see if next friday has a better connection between us. Later days!

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Ever since I was a little boy, I was somewhat afraid of lightning. Until this day, I still do not like lightning. It isnt really a fear, it is just something I can never ignore. When I was younger, I was told by my teachers all the things lightning can do, and I just can not imagine how it would be like experiencing these effects in reality.
Photocredit : Antonio_boi on flickr

Monday 19 March 2012

Six Word Memoir the Third.

I was the last of all my friends to learn how to ride a bicycle. All of my friends were able to go faster than me, and I would be made fun of for still having training wheels. Eventually, I did learn how to ride my bike with no training wheels. But until this day, I will never forget my best childhood friends who stuck around when I was being made fun of.
Photocredit : samuraijack4 on Flickr

Thursday 8 March 2012

Kony, That Bastard.

Kony this, Kony that. We've all been hearing the name. Who is Kony? Joseph Kony is a leader of the L.R.A (Lords Ressistance Army). The L.R.A abducts chlidren in Uganda, and turns them into one of his child soldiers. He makes these child soldiers kill people, including their own parents. The girls are turned into sex slaves. There is a campaign called, " Invisible Children " that is doing their best to stop this man. In order to stop this satanist from we need to get the US army with the Ugandian Army and locate him. In order to send the troops from the United States, the government needs to know that the people around the world care about stoping Kony. That is why this campaign is running. In my opinion, Invisible Children are a bunch of con artists. Apparently only 32% of the money raised goes to help the actual cause. This campaign has just started and thousands of people have donated money to this campaign, but what the devil does Invisible Children need money for ? According to, the United States has already sent full combat ready, 100 Elite American troops to Uganda. Don't get me wrong, Joseph Kony should be stopped. He has been abducting children from 26 years, why are we just doing something about it now ? Stop Kony, but in a different way. The video has over 70 million views, and it just came out. I think the US government knows that we want him stopped. You're army is already there, go do something about it and stop waiting to see how much money you can raise and keep whatevers left over. This is my look on Kony2012 and Invisible Children. Fuck you Kony, go get hit a by a bus.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Six Word Memoir

When I was a young boy at the age of three, a drastic event happened. It was not a life changing moment, but it was a mistake I will never make again. The thought of this memory makes me cringe. When I was three, my mom told me not to touch the stove. You guessed it, I touched the stove and burned my fingers.
photocredit: regrets by nickcrowl37

Six Word Memoir

All of my relationships were a waste of time. Girls do not make sense at all. No I am not converting to homosexuality, but I hate all women.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Writing Reflection

I find writing ten times easier than reading. I get to be creative when I write, more in control and more freedom. It is also funner for me. Now don't get it twisted, I didn't say I love to write, I would just choose it over reading most of the time. I mean, notes are never fun. There's no freedom and control in writing notes. Notes are important in the long run, so I should dedicate more attention to that. Anyways, I've typed more than I wrote so far in this class. I need to work on staying up to date with some of these assignments. I don't need to fall behind in another class. Also, the doodles involved some writing, I enjoyed those and I think I did fairly well. I hope our next writing project is something creative, like planning your dream life for the future. As in, if you could plan your future life in anyway, what would it be like? How did you get there? I'd really enjoy writing about that. I guess that's all for now folks. Later Days!

Reading Reflection

Alright, I'm reading this book called, " City of Ember "for the second time. To be honest, the cover was a little catchy, and i judge my book by it's cover. Not necessarily in just books, but you get my drift. Who doesn't? I really don't like to read, it's repetitive and boring. I guess everything comes at a price, and to get a credit in this class that price is reading. Maybe I'll learn to love it, I guess time will tell. Alright, back to reflecting. From what I remember, It is about a really dark city that doesn't really have much supply of light. It was built by architects and engineers to last 200 years. Why only 200 years? That's strange, definitely has something to do with the box. Oh, I haven't told you about the box. These builders distributed a locked box to the very first mayor of this city. It was to be past down to every current mayor for 200 years, when the box would open after this many years. The main characters are Lina and Doon, what unorthodox names. I wouldn't be much of a fan of living in an underground city, sounds creepy. Doon is was a messenger, and Lina was a pipe-works labourer, but they agreed on switching jobs. I know this book ends by citizens of Ember finding a way to the surface and being surprised by how the people lived in the outdoors. They were shocked how light came from the sky. This city above Ember was called Sparks. I probably should have read the sequel, seeing how I read this one already, but I didn't. I remember the end, and the beginning of the book, just not everything in between. Dang, I thought Winnipeg was a crappy city. Ember seems like horrible place. I'm guessing that Lina or Doon get to open this box and find something really interesting in it. Maybe Doon loses the box, because Doon does sound like the name of a dweeb. I told you I'm somebody that judges. Well I'm a terrible slow reader, I hope i can finish this book sooner than later. The reason is I'm always side tracked by my surroundings. I mean, I guess I could just... Hey look, whats this unicorn doing in my room? Later days.

Monday 20 February 2012

Throwback Cartoons

Alright, so my last two doodles were really boring. Throwback cartoons are always fun to talk about. If not, click the unfollow button right now.
The Animaniacs
Blues Clues
Stick'n Around
PB&J Otter
Also rugrats but it was too difficult to draw and all the kids were so cute i couldn't just pick one to draw. This makes me miss my childhood. When i didn't have to cook, clean, go to school, blog... Wait, it's the weekend, I don't even have to be blogging! What am i doing wasting precious sleep time ? Alright, goodnight everybody. Never let a dime infiltrate your mind. Later days!

Bucket List

Heres another horrific doodle by myself. Its a list of things I would like to do before I die.
Play college basketball.
Visit South America
Become a Pokemon Master
Be on Oprah's show
Lick my nose
Wake up hungover on the beach
Become a mascot in Disneyworld
Finish this bucketlist (check)
This is just a doodle, its not supposed to look good. If I actually tried, well it would still be absolutey terrible. Later days!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Digital Footprint Doodle

Heres a doodle of my digital footprint from yours truly. As you can tell, drawing is not my scoop of ice cream. But if I don't plan on being an artist, who cares? Ill keep you updated, I love my followers. Until next time, later days.


Rumpelstiltskin is my name. Just kidding my name is Vince. I am not too excited about blogging but I guess I'll learn to love it. Id rather type on a computer than write on a peice of looseleaf anyday. I am never going to make it out in the real world. I will do my best to stuff this turkey with entertaining blogs. I'm just an asian trying to find success in this world, and trying to make a living. Stay in school but remember, bad choices make good stories. Later days