Sunday 6 May 2012

Writing Reflection #8

   Some of you may of head about Blackout Poetry, but chances are most of you haven't. Alright, it's basically taking a new paper article, and blacking out many words so that only a few words are left, which make a poem. If you think this was easy, think again. It was such a tough process. I mean, at first I thought to myself, "This is going to be a piece of cake, all my poems are going to rhyme and everything." I have never been more wrong in my life. It's difficult. It's hard to transform an article into a poem. Our assignment was to make three blackout poems that all fall under one theme. I probably started ten blackout poems, but did not finish most of them because I couldn't get them to fall under my theme! Finally I finished, I completed three (not very good) poems. All of my poems fell under the theme, teenagers. This is a very unique writing style. It makes you think out of the box. It's making something out of somebody else's work. The thoughts are no where near each other, and it's a tough challenge. In previous assignments we did, we could just think up something in our heads and put it on a piece of paper. During this one, no way. You were very limited. Although in the end, when you've finally created a poem, you feel really proud of yourself and realize that what you came up with wasn't so bad after all. Also, that for such a difficult task, you're poem actually makes sense and has nothing to do with the article. I realized as a thinker, I am capable of doing things if I am not distracted. I do all my best work when I am focused. I also realized, I need to focus a lot more so I can be more successful in this class. For all of you who said " Blackout Poetry is easy, this Vince guy is nuts," in your head, I dare you to try. While your busy getting frustrated with this challenge, I'm going to be... not being frustrated with it. Later days!

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