Wednesday 25 April 2012

Writing Reflection #6

Comment One:
Comment Two:
Comment Three:

   My first comment was posted on Patrick's blog. I decided to comment on his post because it really caught my attention. His post was a picture of Kevin Durant with the words, " Sometimes to become successful, you need to give up sleep." This really gets me thinking and inspired. Durant is a very hard worker and it all paid off. Everything comes at a price. Also, I often need inspiration to get me going in basketball training or working out just like Patrick does. By commenting, I give Pat credit for showing us something that can give each of us a little bit of motivation.
   My second comment was a on Bella's blog. Her post was a picture of forearm with a temporary tattoo on it. It had a bell, followed by the letter "A," to represent her name. I commented on this post saying it was clever and creative. If I came up with something clever or creative I think it would be nice to be given credit, so I gave Bella credit. Also the idea of temporary tattoos let us expirement before getting an actual one. I have always wanted a tattoo, but have never had the courage to get it done.
   Finally, my last comment was on Nathalie's blog. I commented on her personal addition of one of her playlists. One of the songs on her playlist was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I love this song. The reason I commented was because the idea of posting one of your playlists is great! I think it is a great idea, and will be shortly doing mine. Also, I wanted to mention that I was also a fan of one of her songs. What do you think this song is trying to say? Are they trying to get rid of somebody insecurities, or that everybody is beautiful and nobody is ugly? Maybe it's a neat way of trying to wheel a girl. If it was, Im pretty sure it worked. Either way, it's a splendid song.

    A good comment consists of good structure. It can't be a couple meaningless words. Take the time and give the blog owner a few sentences of good quality. A bad comment would be something useless, boring and short. Also, it usually consists of slang, bad grammar or rudeness. A bad comment is something that would put down the blog owner.

   Receiving and/or giving comments on blogs can really keep the blogger motivated and active. If you consistently receive comments, the blogger will realize that their work is being appreciated and will most likely keep their blog updated. Also, when you give out a good comment, you can expect a good one back. It is also good advertisement for your blog. Whoever visits that comment on that specific blog, will see your blog name and maybe visit you. It's a good way of getting your blog out there! Well, that's all for now! Later Days!

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