Tuesday 10 April 2012

Writing Reflection #2

     This week, we worked on six word memoirs. This is a neat way of writing. In a way, I kind of wish there were more six word memoirs out there. I know there are tons on the internet, but in books and such. The thing I like about six word memoirs, is they are short, and get to point right away instead of telling us useless information. Writing the six word memoirs wasn't to difficult, I am not the type that likes to write chunks anyways. It was pretty enjoyable to me. It even included pictures to help explain and enlighten the  memoir. The hardest part was thinking of the actually memory, as soon as you got that the rest was a walk in the park. I learned that as a thinker, I get distracted very easily. That being said, another hard part was staying focused. If I don't have any distractions, it is a lot easier for me to concentrate and finish my work. 

     Blogging seems really different. The hard part about blogging is actually keeping it together and updated. Once you start falling behind, the more you don't want to do your assignments, and the worst everything gets. My goal for the next week is to add 3 personal additions to my blog. I am going to achieve this goal by listening to a lot of music, that will remind me of things that could be on my blog. At least one of my personal additions is going to be a playlist of songs. I guess will see if I can stay discipline and reach those goals this week. Until then, later days!

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