Sunday 22 April 2012

Vince's Wisdom of the Week

Alright guys, for those of you who had not yet noticed, I've decided to rename my personal additions to "Wisdom of the Week" instead of "Advice of the Week." It's not a big difference so hold the tears. This just give me a little bit more freedom and breathing room. Well back to business, this weeks wisdom is;

Wearing high socks with slip on sandals are the most comfortable footwear in the world.

For some reason, only basketball players will wear high socks with sandals. Is it that us basketball players have the most knowledge in the world? Because everybody should be taking advantage of this comfort. Well, I guess that's what I'm here for. To share knowledge with you. Until next time, Later days!


  1. I guess I have never really given that type of footwear a shot before! I also have noticed that that type of footwear is worn by basketball players. When I went to a Wesmen basketball camp when I was 12, I saw that most of the players running it were wearing that footwear. I will certainly take that wisdom and give it a go. Where do you think that style originated from? I look forward to next weeks wisdom!

  2. although i wear this style sometimes too, do you wonder if you will ever think back to the days you were in high school and think you were crazy for ever trying to pull that off? i look forward to your next sample of 'wisdom of the week' maybe next time you will guve us a different tip for fashion.
