Sunday 26 February 2012

Reading Reflection

Alright, I'm reading this book called, " City of Ember "for the second time. To be honest, the cover was a little catchy, and i judge my book by it's cover. Not necessarily in just books, but you get my drift. Who doesn't? I really don't like to read, it's repetitive and boring. I guess everything comes at a price, and to get a credit in this class that price is reading. Maybe I'll learn to love it, I guess time will tell. Alright, back to reflecting. From what I remember, It is about a really dark city that doesn't really have much supply of light. It was built by architects and engineers to last 200 years. Why only 200 years? That's strange, definitely has something to do with the box. Oh, I haven't told you about the box. These builders distributed a locked box to the very first mayor of this city. It was to be past down to every current mayor for 200 years, when the box would open after this many years. The main characters are Lina and Doon, what unorthodox names. I wouldn't be much of a fan of living in an underground city, sounds creepy. Doon is was a messenger, and Lina was a pipe-works labourer, but they agreed on switching jobs. I know this book ends by citizens of Ember finding a way to the surface and being surprised by how the people lived in the outdoors. They were shocked how light came from the sky. This city above Ember was called Sparks. I probably should have read the sequel, seeing how I read this one already, but I didn't. I remember the end, and the beginning of the book, just not everything in between. Dang, I thought Winnipeg was a crappy city. Ember seems like horrible place. I'm guessing that Lina or Doon get to open this box and find something really interesting in it. Maybe Doon loses the box, because Doon does sound like the name of a dweeb. I told you I'm somebody that judges. Well I'm a terrible slow reader, I hope i can finish this book sooner than later. The reason is I'm always side tracked by my surroundings. I mean, I guess I could just... Hey look, whats this unicorn doing in my room? Later days.

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