Thursday 8 March 2012

Kony, That Bastard.

Kony this, Kony that. We've all been hearing the name. Who is Kony? Joseph Kony is a leader of the L.R.A (Lords Ressistance Army). The L.R.A abducts chlidren in Uganda, and turns them into one of his child soldiers. He makes these child soldiers kill people, including their own parents. The girls are turned into sex slaves. There is a campaign called, " Invisible Children " that is doing their best to stop this man. In order to stop this satanist from we need to get the US army with the Ugandian Army and locate him. In order to send the troops from the United States, the government needs to know that the people around the world care about stoping Kony. That is why this campaign is running. In my opinion, Invisible Children are a bunch of con artists. Apparently only 32% of the money raised goes to help the actual cause. This campaign has just started and thousands of people have donated money to this campaign, but what the devil does Invisible Children need money for ? According to, the United States has already sent full combat ready, 100 Elite American troops to Uganda. Don't get me wrong, Joseph Kony should be stopped. He has been abducting children from 26 years, why are we just doing something about it now ? Stop Kony, but in a different way. The video has over 70 million views, and it just came out. I think the US government knows that we want him stopped. You're army is already there, go do something about it and stop waiting to see how much money you can raise and keep whatevers left over. This is my look on Kony2012 and Invisible Children. Fuck you Kony, go get hit a by a bus.


  1. Vince,
    You mention that the Americans have their troop in Uganda. But what should the Canadians be doing?

  2. vince you should be arrested for plagiarism.
