Wednesday 6 June 2012

Now What?

I didn't forget that thought I kept in my head while making this bucket list. I promise that I will cross of ten things of this bucket list no matter what it takes at the absolute minimum. That is why some of the things on my bucket list are very realistic, such as get a tattoo and drinking blue gatorade from a windex bottle. These things are a little less crazy than the others. There is no special way of getting these two things done, It's just upto me to go and do them. There are a couple things in my bucket list that really jump out at me. The two things I really want to focus on are win an amount of money in six figures and crash a prom in the states. The key to crossing these two things on my bucket list is to just have the right mindset. I have recently watched the Buried Life episode when they won $250 000 and made it seem pretty simple. The Buried Life is my motivation for all of these bucket list items. I am going to undergo this mission by continuously saving up atleast $2000 every summer and betting at the casino everytime I make $2000. Eventually, I plan on making this amount of money and build up o an amount in six figures. Secondy, I want attend a prom in the United States. My plan for completing this task is to simply find a few friends as crazy as I am and just doing it the Buried Life style. I mean hey, didn't the Buried Life start off as a bunch of crazy teenagers? They make sneaking into big events really easy. When (not if) I cross these things off my list, I will continue and strive to get the minimum of ten crossed off items on my bucket list, and won't give up.

Ever since I made this list, I have so far completed crossing off one item. Which was #12 hitting a game winning shot. It was during the graduating all-star game. It went into quadruple overtime and it was getting late so the officials decided to make a rule; next basket wins. With about 2 minutes left I dribbled the ball to the elbow of the key, pass faked to somebody and threw up some garbage jumpshot and it suprisinly went in! It may not be a big deal to you, but it is something on my bucket list! I think this is a great start to my quest in finishing atleast ten things. 1 down, 52 to go.

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