Thursday 24 May 2012

Bucket List

1.) Become a mascot in Disney World.
2.) Hide under a bed at sears while the mall closes then throw a party in the mall.
3.) Reverse a call the referee has made during a game.
4.) Remove Garrick Hutsal from the world.
5.) Throw an overnight party at school.
6.) Sneak onto a random plane with friends.
7.) Get " verified " on twitter.
8.) Help sneak somebody out of prison without getting caught.
9.) Take a photo with One Direction
10.) Drink blue gatorade out of a windex bottle in front of people.
11.) Play a perfect game of bowling.
12.) Hit a game winner.
13.) Dunk.
14.) Have my own Wikipedia page.
15.) Get a tattoo.
16.) Sing on Glee.
17.) Win the fear factor
18.) Wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy.
19.) Ride a killer whale.
20.) Start a Herculean snowball fight.
21.) Make that One Direction video with my friends.
22.) Plan and Successfully undergo a stupendous waterfight in the school.
23.) Win an amount of money in six figures
24.) Accept a dare
25.) Get a pound from a police officer
26.) Attend a crazy party in the States with my friends
27.) Have a food fight.
28.) Sneak onto a cruise with my homies
29.) Score 40 points in a game
30.) Moonwalk at the Grammy's.
31.) Crash a prom night in the states
32.) Buy something over 100 dollars with counterfeit money successfully
33.) Detach my earlobes
34.) To say " Hi, I'm Vince and you're watching the Disney Channel " on the Disney Channel.
35.) To say " I'm Vince Munoz and this is my Sportcentre " on Sportscentre.
36.) Shave Anthony Davis' eyebrow.
37.) Ride in the pouch of a Kangaroo
38.) Race Usain Bolt.
39.) Walk a tightrope in a circus.
40.) To dive into the ocean and have a whale catch me before I hit the water.
41.) To convince somebody I'm an undercover cop and arrest somebody.
42.) Continue The Buried Life when the four men die.
43.) Get into a club with a fake ID.
44.) Go to a nude beach.
45.) Tranquilize a grizzly bear.
46.) Literally run for my life and get away.
47.) Get an 8-pack of abs.
48.) Go to Hollywood studios with my friends!
49.) Sleep at the Playboy Mansion
50.) Invest in gold.
51.) Play Russell Westbrook 1 on 1.


Wednesday 9 May 2012

NBA Rant.

   I think it's necessary to share to everybody that I hate the Grizzlies. On top of the Grizzlies having a horrible franchise, their fans are horrible. In Game 5 of the NBA Western Playoffs, one of the players on the Clippers was hurt, Blake Griffin. Blake Griffin hurt his knee while being fouled by the Centre of the Grizzles, Marc Gasol. As Blake was limping back to his bench, the Grizzly fans all decide to shout "boo!" at him. I mean have some class. You guys are not going to win the series, at least go down with some class. How would you feel if one of your best players were injured at an away game and was put down by the crowd? I thought so. We'll see who's quiet when the Clippers send your asses home and end your season. Anyways, I thought I would share this rant. 
P.S These refs suck and deserve a middle finger from every Clipper player after they win the series.
P.S I'm not on the bandwagon. 
Later days!

Reading Reflection #8

Book: The City of Ember
Author: Jeanne DuPrau
Pages Read: 221 - 270

     I did it! I finished reading the City of Ember! This is the first time I actually read a book, it's a pretty good feeling. It may not be a big deal to anybody else, but to me it is. This is somewhat similar to the feeling Lina and Doon had in them when they escaped the City of Ember and made their way to Sparks, a completely different city. No way, their feeling must have been a hundred times better than how good I feel about finishing a book. Words cannot describe the feeling they had. I wish I had more of those moments, where I feel absolutely great and nothing is going wrong. I can just imagine being trapped in an underground city for your whole life, and finally being able to witness the real world and how much different and greater it is. One memory I have when I had such a positive feeling was our Sturgeon Heights basketball team winning the WWAC conference. It was amazing. Doon and Lina had a pretty difficult life underground, doing labor work and keeping the city running. This is similar to our team practices. They were tough, and we had to go through a lot before being rewarded just like Lina and Doon. Then they finally get a sigh of relief once they escape their town and enter a much better place, and all their work paid off in the end. Our basketball team was the same way. When won our conference, we felt overwhelmed when that buzzer went. This is how I can relate to Doon and Lina's success. This book has a sequel. There is book called, " The People of Sparks" that follows up this book. I predict that it is going to be better than the first. I mean, think about the settings. An underground, nearly dead city compared to a bright city which is full of life. I do think that Sparks is going to have a downside to it, and they will again need to start solving. I also have a feeling that Lina and Doon are going to meet two people very Similar to themselves. I guess you can call them the "Lina and Doon of Sparks." I am looking forward to reading the sequel to this book. I guess I'm getting closer to my goal of enjoying to read! Until then, later days!

Blackout Poem #3 (my favourite)

Third Blackout Poem

The lady smiles
I do something cute
I am making it rain at the strip club
It's time for sex
Relationships are for suckers.
-Vince Munoz

Blackout Poem #2

Blackout Poem Part Deux

Kids drop out
Drugs change their lives
Hope is the focus
Crime was always bad headlines.
-Vince Munoz

Blackout Poem #1

First Blackout Poem

Teenager Zimmerman is sorry for murder
His family is sorry for the alcohol or illegal drugs
Zimmerman surrendered their safety
He is a violent person.
-Vince Munoz

Wisdom of the Week!

Hey everybody, it's your boy Vince Munoz here to provide you some more wisdom for this week! This week's wisdom is:
Look both ways before you cross the street!
Crossing streets can be very dangerous. You never want to get hurt or lose your life by getting hit by a fast, evil, devilish car. Looking both ways can easily prevent this from happening. Stay tuned until next week, later days!

Blackout Poetry

Sunday 6 May 2012

Writing Reflection #8

   Some of you may of head about Blackout Poetry, but chances are most of you haven't. Alright, it's basically taking a new paper article, and blacking out many words so that only a few words are left, which make a poem. If you think this was easy, think again. It was such a tough process. I mean, at first I thought to myself, "This is going to be a piece of cake, all my poems are going to rhyme and everything." I have never been more wrong in my life. It's difficult. It's hard to transform an article into a poem. Our assignment was to make three blackout poems that all fall under one theme. I probably started ten blackout poems, but did not finish most of them because I couldn't get them to fall under my theme! Finally I finished, I completed three (not very good) poems. All of my poems fell under the theme, teenagers. This is a very unique writing style. It makes you think out of the box. It's making something out of somebody else's work. The thoughts are no where near each other, and it's a tough challenge. In previous assignments we did, we could just think up something in our heads and put it on a piece of paper. During this one, no way. You were very limited. Although in the end, when you've finally created a poem, you feel really proud of yourself and realize that what you came up with wasn't so bad after all. Also, that for such a difficult task, you're poem actually makes sense and has nothing to do with the article. I realized as a thinker, I am capable of doing things if I am not distracted. I do all my best work when I am focused. I also realized, I need to focus a lot more so I can be more successful in this class. For all of you who said " Blackout Poetry is easy, this Vince guy is nuts," in your head, I dare you to try. While your busy getting frustrated with this challenge, I'm going to be... not being frustrated with it. Later days!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Writing Relection #7

Comment 1:
Comment 2 :
Comment 3 :

     This weeks commenting process went really well. Last week, my three comments were comments on friends in my class that I socialize with everyday in class. This week I switched gears a little. I decided to comment on people I don't think I've ever talked to (except Hugh). I think it was a really good idea to this because it's pretty neat starting a "blogger-friendship" with somebody you haven't met before. Also, it seems like good publicity for your blog. It's pretty common to see your friends comment on your post, but when you see somebody you've never talked to before comment on a post, its a different feeling. I want to be the person who creates that feeling. Well, before I get carried away, later days!

Reading Reflection #7

Book Title: City of Ember
Author: Jeanne DuPrau
Pages Read: 146-220

    I've read ready a huge amount this week, well at least in my opinion I did. 75 whole pages, I've never read that much, that quick in my life. Who ever thought I would be able to read so much? I certainly didn't. Enough about hyping myself up. A lot has happened in this book. I used to think I was a lot like Lina Mayfleet, but I realized that there is another character that I may have similar personality traits with. His name is Doon Harrow. Doon is also a main character, he is really creative, has a good sense of humour, but know when to start taking things seriously. I feel as if he is trying to save the City of Ember more than anybody else. It almost seems like he wants to be recognized for the things he does, which is very similar to me. Doon is creative, and smart. I am slightly different, I mean I can be creative at times but I don't have very many intelligent moments (No I am not stupid). I am getting better at reading at home. I realized that I have a lot of time on my hands, and I can use that time to read. Reading isn't as boring as I thought it was before. My goal is to finish this book next week. I have 50 pages left, which seems really accomplishable. My guess is that Lina and Doon find a way out of Ember and up into the surface. I think they are going to find a new city, called Sparks. It will be the complete opposite of ember. It will be bright and full of life. If I am right with my guess, I must be some sort of wizard or something. I guess we'll find out next week, but until then... Later days!